An Open Letter to my Muslim Friend…. Part 2


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“I and the Father are one.”

(John 10:30 ESV)


Dear Muslim Friend,

I did have a digital copy of the Koran (I probably still do on my tablet)….but I read very little of it because all of my roads have always (and continually) led back to Christ.  As a Christian, I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  The Bible was written over a span of 1,500 years ….by almost 40 authors and these authors, we (the Christian faith) believe, were inspired by God.  Over this large span of 1,500 years, there is only one central theme which the bible reveals…that is Jesus.  The bible is very unique among all other sacred texts…and has never been disproven….or proven….but Christians are told to live by faith.

I realize you probably believe the bible has been corrupted.  You have read both Sacred Scriptures….and I truly respect you for that!  You have mentioned words that are not found in the bible….Trinity… Bible….Original Sin …. But that does not disprove that Jesus is God.  I ask you to show me historical evidence to back up the claim that the bible has been corrupted if you believe it is?

And you haven’t answered my earlier question…. Do you know for sure you will go to paradise when you die?  I am really interested in finding out your views of salvation…….

We do not have different versions of the Bible in the sense of having different Bibles….rather we have different English translations as well as various translations in other languages from the same basic set of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  Did you know that when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, there were Old Testament manuscripts that date to about a thousand years earlier… that is 150 BC which predates Muhammad?  Two copies of Isaiah discovered in Qumran Cave 1 proved to be word for word identical with our standard Hebrew Bible in more than 95 percent of the text.

I have quickly researched “begotten”   Please correct me if I am wrong….Muslims view Allah as being absolutely one…he was not begotten by anyone, nor did he beget anyone.   People… like myself who believe Jesus is the Son of

God are viewed as being deluded (Sura 9: 30) by saying Jesus was the Son of God implies that Allah had sexual relations with a female partner.  Yet the Christian bible does not imply or state any sexual union took place either….

You mention the word begotten many times so I would like to explain how Christians view this.  Begotten in the Greek word (monogenes) does not mean that Christ was procreated but rather means unique or one of a kind.   As a Christian….the belief is that Jesus is the Son of God in the sense that He uniquely has the same nature as the Father…a divine nature.  In the bible, whenever Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, His Jewish critics tried to stone Him.  They understood Him as claiming to be God….because He was and is….The Father/Son relationship existed before time began.

I also researched and found instances where people often argue there are some 200,000 variants or mistakes in the manuscript copies of the New Testament…and out of these 200,000 mistakes…more than 99 percent hold virtually no significance whatsoever.  Many of them involve a missing letter in one word or the absence of one insignificant word.

Thank you for sharing your ancestral stories with me.  I find that so fascinating!  Yet, it saddened me!  It also made me sad to find you are not sure of your salvation!  My salvation is secured in the One who died for me!  I like to tell non-Christians….that it was nothing I did to earn salvation….But only what Christ did for me!!  Bless you Muslim friend….. and I truly hope you have happiness and prosperity!  AND…I hope you find your paradise!!!




“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

(John 1:14 ESV)

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5 thoughts on “An Open Letter to my Muslim Friend…. Part 2

  1. Just a comment about the word “begotten” because I’ve thought about this off and on for some time now particularly in light of what we know now in terms of DNA and modern science. When the scriptures where written that became our Bible and when the Quran was written, no one knew anything about DNA and genetic material. Anything along those lines was unknown to those who wrote the ancient manuscripts. When we think about what we know about today as far as DNA is concerned, it seems as if it would be a very easy thing for God to arrange amino acids into chromosomes and create life within Mary’s womb. This would be without any sexual relations at all. I’m not saying that this is the way the Incarnation of Jesus Christ happened…I’m just saying that the more we know of science, the better we are since science supports God’s actions rather than contradicting them. Anyway, thanks for this post and the one before it. I probably did not express myself particularly well in this comment. You did a much better job than I could have!


    • Dear friend,
      Thank you very much for your reply….
      The Codex Vaticanus is one of the oldest extant manuscripts of the Greek Bible (Old and New Testament), one of the four great uncial codices. The Codex is named after its place of conservation in the Vatican Library, where it has been kept since at least the 15th century. It is written on 759 leaves of vellum in uncial letters and has been dated palaeographically to the 4th century, just in case our readers would like to know. The writing to which you refer to… written in the margin of this ancient text by a scribe, is thought to have been corrected at that time. Yet Christians believe without a doubt that all Scripture (Bible) is inspired by God ……”All Scripture is God-breathed…” 2 Timothy 3:16.
      The accuracy of Scripture is undeniable…. The 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls provided a significant testimony of the accuracy of the Bible, because these Hebrew scrolls antedate the earliest Masoretic Old Testament manuscripts by about 1,000 years. But despite this time span, the number of variant readings between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic Text is quite small, and most of these are variations in spelling and style. While the quality of the Old Testament manuscripts is excellent, that of the New Testament is very good–considerably better than the manuscript quality of other ancient documents. Because of the thousands of New Testament manuscripts, there are many variant readings, but these variants are used by scholars to reconstruct the original readings by determining which variant best explains the others in any given passage. Some of these variant readings crept into the manuscripts because of visual errors in copying or because of auditory errors when a group of scribes copied manuscripts that were read aloud. Other errors resulted from faulty writing, memory, and judgment, and still others from well-meaning scribes who thought they were correcting the text. Nevertheless, only a small number of these differences affect the sense of the passages, and only a fraction of these have any real consequences. Furthermore, no variant readings are significant enough to call into question any of the doctrines of the New Testament. The New Testament can be regarded as 99.5 percent pure, and the correct readings for the remaining 0.5 percent can often be ascertained with a fair degree of probability by the practice of textual criticism. Actually, this text that was written in the margin may very well be an indication of the intense integrity and proofreading they practiced to insure the accuracy of these sacred words!
      Thank you again for taking the time to read and reply to my post! I truly appreciate it!!


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